Tag Archives: R2D2 Sonicking K9

Dragon*Con …oh, and by the way, I’m BACK!

I realize it’s been a while since I’ve posted. I apologize to all of you who follow my blog. So… Brook, I’m sorry.

Let’s talk about Dragon*Con. SO MANY PEOPLE. As one introvert to the Internet: I never want to be surrounded by so many people ever again! It was like being dropped into the middle of a school of steampunk fish. I thought I was going to die.

But here are some highlights…

1) I’m seriously impressed by cosplay. Truth be told, it’s always kind of freaked me out, but in context, it’s pretty awesome. I saw a Jawa playing chess. A four-foot Iron Man. A million Doctors (side note: my friend Brook, who was such a trooper (but not a storm trooper), asked me why there were so many Masons at the con. I finally figured out it was the fezzes that were confusing her. Brook: watch more Who). Anyway, I can definitely see why people do it. Impressive. Most impressive. Here was my attempt at Jayne Cobb:

Brook and me in "cosplay"

Crushed it.


2) R2-D2 sonicked K9. (I have a picture for this, but WordPress is working against me, and I don’t have a sonic screwdriver to fix it. So just imagine it. It was pretty awesome. You should have been there.)

3) I met Beth Revis (again) and Jessica Khoury, both fabulous authors you all should check out. I met some other authors too, who seemed awesome so I put their books at the top of my to-read list–you know, that list that gets longer by the minute.

4) Brook and I got separated with NO CELL PHONE SERVICE for almost two hours. By the time I’d found her, I already had a plan to take a cab out of the city and start calling hospitals.

5) I saw John Barrowman, Noel Clarke, Peter Davison, George Takei, Sylvester McCoy, Tahmoh Penikett, and a whole bunch of other people. From a distance. Like a creeper. I couldn’t afford their autographs, so I circled the Walk of Fame a few times so I could stare at them.

6) I didn’t have to work. It’s a simple thing, but I’m going to say it again. I DIDN’T HAVE TO WORK.

Despite the insane hordes of people (or hordes of insane people, depending on how you look at it), I really had  a great time. Maybe next year. Maybe I’ll even dress up. Maybe I’ll blog more. Life is full of surprises.